The Curious Farmer

A risk worth taking

Episode Summary

Simon and Fiona Mitchell are converting their conventional cow dairy into an organic and regenerative enterprise. On this week's episode, we explore some of the reasons behind their decision, as well as the ways in which they have and continue to change their operation.

Episode Notes

In this episode we start by exploring the reasons that led Simon and Fiona to move from a conventional dairy operation into regenerative and organic dairy farming.

When quizzed on who or what resources Simon has been using, he references David Hardwick, an agroecologist who can be located at Soil Land Food , Dick Richardson of Grazing Naturally as well as Charles Massey, author of Call of the Reed Warbler and well known Regenerative Agriculturist. Simon also reference his local Landcare group. Landcare groups exist around Australia, and are a great resource full of local knowledge that can benefit farmers.

As the conversation progresses, its apparent that Simon too has questions about regenerative farming: part of the joy of this conversation is seeing the benefit for all when talking about different ways of doing things and the cross pollination of ideas.